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  • Writer's pictureJo Foster

The super blue Full Moon of August 2023

It's a Super Blue Moon on August 31st 2023, with the Moon in watery, difficult to grasp but sweet Pisces. Depending where you are in the world, it may fall on 30th, i.e. the American continents. Officially it is at 1.36am (UT/GMT) on 31st, so adjust for your timezone and DST, if it applies.

It all happens at 7°25 of Pisces, and if you have planets between 6° and 9° in this sign, or in Virgo, Gemini or Sagittarius, you experience this Full Moon more strongly.

We are in unprecedented times, of course, and all sorts of strange occurances are happening, including time dragging or speeding up, strange events, man-made or natural, a lot of anger in the air etc etc. Pachamama is shaking and weather is not necessarily typical.

We are on the cusp of massive shifts and this is a positive thing, not something to be afraid of. So how does this second Supermoon of the month look?

Hermes is the only significant planetary body directly squaring the Sun and Moon now. It has a similar energy to Mercury. On one hand we may have to guard against trickery, lies and theft but on a more positive note, it can bring good luck and the ability to speak truths, through the medium of storytelling and oratory. In many ways, Hermes is a Divine messenger, which feels fitting now.

Asclepius on soft aspect to the Full Moon, brings a healing opportunity, the ability to heal oneself and to understand one's personal health condition better. Perhaps we may experience a health-related breakthrough.

What might be uncovered with Centaur planet Pholus in soft aspect also? Pholus lifts the lid of things and with it in Capricorn, perhaps there are some revelations connected with the old world and systems to come to light around this Moon, or in the days and even weeks afterwards.

Every planet except Mars will be in retrograde, and Jupiter stationed to do so. A collective calming and quietening, giving us reflection time, perhaps time to analyse, as is typical of Virgo season, to understand what we have seen and experienced these past few fiery months. Once Mercury and Venus move direct again in mid-September, we can make some progress on a more personal level.

Amongst the chaos, be the anchor, amongst the storm, walk in peace. We are getting closer and closer to a whole new experience. So much love to all you brave souls out there. 💛⭐💫

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