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  • Writer's pictureJo Foster

December 2023 Astrology forecast

So, let's start with a positive statement, December should feel lighter than recent months, overall, especially the second half of the month.

At the start Mercury enters Capricorn, on December 1. This helps us to take a more mature, realistic and serious approach in our thinking and communication and is also excellent for business. Its easy flowing trine aspect with lucky Jupiter encourages serious discussions on the environment and on how to secure resources and future-proof things. For a few days either side of the 8th, buying and selling is more favourable.

Planet Venus moves signs too on December 4th, moving from a home sign to a more intense watery sign, so we have to handle her sudden intense energy more carefully. This can help us to secure a loan or borrow resources from someone. Sometimes, an unexpected refund or windfall is possible. It is also an excellent time for creative activities, so maybe one could hand-make their own presents for the festivities. On December 5th, we need a sober look at a particular relationship and try to work out any difficulties but there is some willing here. On 10th December, Venus opposes Jupiter but even in hard aspect these two can work wonders for our love lives. Venus will move into Sagittarius on December 29th and could bring some thoughts of a foreign destination for a break from the winter cold, if you live in a cold climate.

The New Moon in Sagittarius on December 13th, at the same time Mercury goes retrograde, releases us from the very intense energies of the last month, bringing with it a real lightness in the run up to the holidays. Sagittarius comes with a bit of hedonistic energy, so those pre-Christmas work celebrations could bring a hangover! This Moon sets the tone ahead for the Moon cycle and instils some courage into us and we can move cautiously but confidently for the best results now. As an additional note, with Mercury in retrograde, avoid signing contracts if you can until a few days into January but if you have to, check and double-check details before signing.

Venus opposes Uranus at the Solstice, bringing sudden changes potentially in love or creativity and possibly money. The Solstice though will require a quieter time of reflection, as the veils once again thin and angelic light and energies rush in. Definitely try to put aside time to celebrate this as it is the most significant event of December. This heightened energy of light lasts through until Epiphany on January 6th, so make the most of it.

December 25, could have a more dreamy energy and people may particularly enjoy fantasy and fictional stories/movies. Quickly the Full Moon in watery Cancer, is upon us on December 27th, and this brings to light a great sense of community and human family, so expect to feel heightened love and compassion and lots of emotion. We may have a need to talk about things with friends, family and colleagues at this time between Christmas and New Year but communication is a bit volatile due to Mercury squaring off with Mars, for a few days. It is wiser to walk away from a conflict, especially if someone is intentionally trying to provoke you into an argument.

Jupiter finishes its retrograde period right on December 31st, and this could bring a cautious optimism to the New Year celebrations and some hope but the results may not show for some time. 2024 brings a lot of energy to deal with that won't clear away until the end of the year, in truth. What it will look like at the end of 2024, will be very different to what we start the year with, so that is some good news for the long-term.

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