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  • Writer's pictureJo Foster

Full Moon in Gemini - November 27th 2023

It's a Full Moon in Gemini on 27th November at 4°51' of Gemini, so planets falling in those first few degrees of Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces and Virgo, in your own natal or progressed charts, will create some energies that feel more intense. The exact time of this Full Moon is 09:16am UT/GMT, so adjust for your timezone, e.g. in the Americas it will be in the dark hours.

So what does this one bring with it. Personal experience as we have built up to it, is that the nights have seemed longer, after previously feeling quite short. One of the major features is that Saturn sits in a square aspect here. This brings a more deliberate, solid energy but also there could be a challenge making dreams and visions manifest into reality. The Sun is still in orb of a conjunction with Mars, planet of action and assertion, though now separating.

One interesting feature is that Uranian point Admetos falls conjunct this Gemini Moon and this can bring up some narrow-mindedness, secrets and mother issues.

At this Full Moon, transpersonal planets Saturn and Jupiter are parallel and this does help with finding a balance with natural world issues and approaches. Think the recent backlash against electric cars and yet diesel is also not the solution long-term. The pendulum swings back centrally, so we can come up with better solutions going forward. Uranus still being in Taurus may help us brainstorm when it comes to any environmental concerns.

It should be noted that scattered disc object, Gonggong, named after a Chinese water God, is squaring this Full Moon and can be, not surprisingly, associated with flooding and potentially chaos stemming from that. This is in opposition to asteroid Hekate, which is also square our Full Moon, and it represents "times in between" and guards the veil between worlds. Fear of the unknown amd the usual lunacy associated with this part of the Moon cycle, could be ramped up. Yet Hekate also carries the maiden-mother-crone energy and connects to wild animals. I would advise not to eat any plants that you're unsure of now, as poisoning is more likely.

We are still under the influence of the last New Moon, yes that rather insane, intense one! Whilst this Full Moon is all around somewhat less so, we are still feelong some intense, demanding and draining energies. We have also entered the period of Mercury slowing down (i.e., the shadow) ready to go retrograde again in mid-December. This though, gives us the opportunity to slow down and reflect, think things through, follow our calling and nudges to learn more about what is actually reality and to get journalling, if that is our thing.

Remember to get some crystals out in the Full Moon energies to charge and take extra good care of yourself now. 💛💫⭐

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